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See Michael Norton’s latest press mentions, behavioral economics articles, op-eds, and more, including in popular outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, and The New York Times.
All Media
"[W]e can’t know if we’ll regret any choice until after we’ve made it and committed to it," says Michael Norton.
The Boston Globe
Harvard Business School professor Michael Norton [...] coauthored a report on inequality in air travel, arguing that the presence of a first-class cabin heightens tensions among plane passengers.
Humans have long created new rituals when old ones fail to work the way they once did, said Michael Norton, a professor at Harvard Business School who has studied rituals.
The Washington Post
One way of thinking about how to be most helpful is to take this moment as an opportunity to reflect more broadly on all the charitable giving that you can afford to do.
The Atlantic
Host Mike Norton explores how our irrational impulses affect our decisions — both personally and financially — and what we can do about it.
Apple Podcasts
Being told you could be the person who takes a fundraising campaign over the top is a powerful motivator.
The Wall Street Journal
The way you handle money — your fears, values and even your goals — are profoundly shaped by the people who raised you.
Apple Podcasts
Host Mike Norton explores why our brains are hard-wired to believe misinformation — and how to keep your life and finances grounded in the facts.
Apple Podcasts